DEPE Webinar Series Spanish - Code of ethics


Alliance for Integrity carries out webinars with the aim to provide information on various topics of corruption prevention to a broad public. The Spanish-language webinar cycle will start with the topic \\\"How to Develop a Code of Ethics\\\". The code of ethics is a key tool for a company in order to define the expected behavior from its employees and partners. This webinar will show the essential guidelines that a code of ethics must have as well as some good practices examples of effective implementation.

Some of the topics to be covered in this WEBINAR INCLUDES:

• What is a code of ethics?
• What must contain the code of ethics?
• What are some of the typical mistakes that companies make when designing their code of ethics?
• How to implement a code of ethics in business?


Fernanda Nan, regional compliance officer LatinAmerica, SOWITEC


11:30-12:30 hs Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay

09:30-10:30 hs Mexico and Colombia

The webinar will be hold in Spanish language.


Do you have questions on this webinar?
We are glad to help!


Tanggal mulai: 02.05.2017 11:30
Tanggal selesai: 02.05.2017 12:30





Alliance for Integrity



Implementation Partner

AHK Uruguay


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