Pusat Media

Di Pusat Media, terdapat berbagai video yang dimuat secara rutin yang berisi informasi tentang kegiatan terbaru, menjelaskan isu terkait kepatuhan, dan memberi saran yang berguna.


Alliance for Integrity menemani Anda sepanjang tahun. Unduh screensaver khusus kami dan dapatkan inspirasi dari kutipan mitra kami di seluruh dunia.

Success Stories: The Integrity Journey in Brazil

After nine months of exchange on good practices, twelve companies completed the "Integrity Journey in Brazil". The medium-term programme, designed to strengthen business in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), developed by the Alliance for Integrity in 2019, ended in the country. Find out more about the closing event and success stories of the programme.

Global Conference 'Implementing Business Integrity into Practice - Integrity in the Digital Era'

Take a look back at the highlights from our Global Conference, which was held on 22nd February 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany. Under the heading ‘Implementing Business Integrity into Practice - Integrity in the Digital Era’, the conference considered the role of digitalisation in the fight against corruption, and featured the official global launch of the Alliance for Integrity's 'TheIntegrityApp'.

Conference "Integrity and Human Rights in the Supply Chain"

The event "Integrity and Human Rights in the Supply Chain", which the Alliance for Integrity organised in cooperation with the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles and the German Global Compact Network, was held on 7 December 2017 on the occasion of the international Anti-Corruption-Day.


Watch the video about the event.

A special highlight was the launch of the new guide “Prevention of corruption in the Supply Chain. How companies can deal with challenges”. The guide was created by an expert group from the private sector and civil society and provides valuable advice for companies, about how to prevent corruption in their supply chain.


Podcast/Vodcast Series on "Understanding Corruption and Corruption Prevention"


The Alliance for Integrity’s podcasts and vodcasts on “Understanding Corruption and Corruption Prevention” provide information about corruption as well as useful advice and recommendations how to prevent corruption in the economic system.

Series 1, Episode 1
Series 1, Episode 2
Series 2, Episode 1
Series 2, Episode 2
Series 2, Episode 3
Series 2, Episode 4
Series 2, Episode 5
Series 2, Episode 6
Series 2, Episode 7

Series 1: DEFINing corruption


Episode 1: What is corruption

The first episode explains what constitutes corruption and provides different definitions of the term.

Watch this video presented bY:

Beauty E. Narteh
Executive Secretary, Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition


Series 1: Defining corruption

Episode 2: How does corruption manifest itself in ghana?

This video gives an insight of how Act 29 defines corruption and which penalties are included in it.

Watch this video presented bY:

Edmund A. Foley
Head, Department of Public Law, GIMPA Law Faculty, Ghana


Series 2: Forms of corruption


Episode 1: Bribery

This episode defindes bribery and provides examples of the forms it can occur.

Watch this video presented bY:

Bernhard H. Asamoah
Country Coordinator, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Ghana


Series 2: Forms of corruption


Episode 2: embezzlement and Fraud

This episode explains shortly the differences between two forms of corruption: embezzlement and fraud.

watch this video presented by:

Nana Osei Bonsu
Executive Officer, Private Enterprsie Federation, Ghana


Series 2: forms of corruption


episode 3: Illicit enrichment

This episode explains what illicit enrichment is and how it arises.

Watch this video presented by:

Stephen Antwi
President, Ghanaian-German Economic Association


Series 2: forms of corruption


episode 4: Conflict of interest

This episode explains all important aspects about the conflict of interest.

Watch this video presented by:

Nana Osei Bonsu
Chief Executive Officer, Private Enterprise Federation, Ghana


Series 2: forms of corruption


episode 5: Abuse of function

This episode explains all important aspects about the abuse of function.

Watch this video presented by:

Edmund A. Foley
Head, Department of Public Law, GIMPA Law Faculty, Ghana


Series 2: Forms of corruption


Episode 6: Nepotism & Cronyism

The episode gives information about the difference between nepotism and cronyism.

Watch this video presented by:

Rhoda E. Appiah
Head of Corporate Affairs and Administration, Public Procurement Authority, Ghana


series 2: defining corruption


episode 7: Extortion and blackmail

How does extortion and blackmailing manifest itself? This video gives answers about these types of corruption.

watch The ninth video presented by:

Stephen Antwi
President, Ghanaian-German Economic Association


Compliance in Practice: Conference on the Occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day, 9th Dec. 2016


On the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day, the Alliance for Integrity in cooperation with the German Global Compact Network, the German Institute for Compliance (DICO), ICC Germany, and the GIZ Sector Programme Sustainability within Supply Chains in the Textile Sector organised a conference under the topic „Compliance in Businesses: From Employee Training to the Supply Chain“.

Keynote & Panel Discussion

Keynote & Panel Discussion

Watch the keynote speech from th Director of the Alliance for Integrity, Noor Naqschbandi who gave a warm welcome to the 80 participants. Also in the video: The panel discussion on optimising and fostering corruption prevention measures in businesses with Dr. Christa Dürr, Project Management Supply Chain at Transparency International Germany, Prof. Dr. Bartosz Makowicz from Viadrina Compliance Center of Europe University Viadrina, Meinhard Remberg, Chief Representative of SMS group, Dr. Julia Sommer, Senior Legal Council of Siemens AG, as well as Oliver Wieck, General Secretary of ICC Germany. The panel was moderated by Dr. Christoph Klahold, Chief Compliance Officer at Thyssenkrupp AG.


Internal Measures to Prevent Corruption - 6 Practical Steps


Compliance became very important as a competitive advantage for companies. We provide a generic 6 step approach for companies to implement a Compliance Management System.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6


Internal Measures to prevent Corruption - Introduction
Why is Compliance important and how can it be implemented?

Watch the introduction by:

Dr. Jürgen Janssen
German Global Compact Network


Step 1: Commit

The first step is awareness of the damages caused by corruption which leads to commitment to not participate in a corrupt system.

The first step is presented by:

Prof. Dr. Peter Eigen
Founder and Chairman of the Advisory Council
Transparency International


Step 2: Assess

Every company faces different risks. Assessment is therefor a key step to an efficient corruption prevention programme.

The second step is presented by:

Carolina Echevarría
German Argentinian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Argentina)


Step 3: Define

Based on the assessment of step 2 the next logical step is to define your individual objectives of a corruption prevention programme.

The third step is presented by:

Dr. Jan-Ulrich Lange
Head of Group Compliance Controls
Merck KGaA


Step 4: Implement

Implementation goes further than just creating a policy. In order to assure the effectiveness it has to be embedded in business processes.

The forth step is presented by:

Dr. Thomas Lösler
Group Chief Compliance Officer
Allianz SE


Step 5: Measure

After 12 or 18 months of implementation the progress should be measured.

The fifth step is presented by:

Noor Naqschbandi
Alliance for Integrity


Step 6: Communicate

Communication is substantial in order to explain to your employees what they have to do and why they have to do it.

The sixth step is presented by:

Dr. Heiko Willems
Head of Law, Competition and Consumer Policy
Federation of German Industries (BDI)


What is Collective Action?

English with Portuguese subtitles
English with Spanish subtitles

Collective Action is a key element of the Alliance for Integrity´s strategy. Find out what that means by watching the video.


Collective Action ist ein Schlüsselelement im strategischen Vorgehen der Allianz für Integrität. Finden Sie heraus, was dies genau bedeutet, indem Sie sich das Video anschauen.


A ação coletiva é um elemento fundamental da estratégia da Alliance for Integrity. Saiba mais a respeito no vídeo ao lado.


La acción colectiva es un elemento clave en la estrategia de Alliance for Integrity. ¿Quieres saber por qué? ¡Mira el video y descúbrelo!


The Alliance for Integrity Training programme "De Empresas para Empresas"

Spanish with English Subtitles
Spanish with Portuguese Subtitles
Spanish with German Subtitles

Find out more about our compliance training programme "De Empresas para Empresas".


Find out more about our compliance training programme "De Empresas para Empresas".


Find out more about our compliance training programme "De Empresas para Empresas".


Voices in India for the Alliance for Integrity

Hear what our supporters in India are saying about the Alliance for Integrity.


Alliance for Integrity Kick off Conference in India 2013

Have a look at the Kick off Conference of the Alliance for Integrity in New Delhi in 2013.

With this conference the pilot phase of the Alliance for Integrity was started in India. Read more about it in our article about the event at the India - Regional Activities page.


Kepatuhan dalam Praktek: Konferensi dalam Rangka Hari Internasional Anti-Korupsi, 9 Des. 2016


Dalam rangka Hari Internasional Anti-Korupsi, Alliance for Integrity bekerjasama dengan Global Compact Network Jerman, Institute untuk Kepatuhan Jerman (DIPO), ICC Jerman, serta Program Sektoral GIZ untuk Keberlanjutan dalam Rantai-Rantai Pemasok di Sektor Tekstil telah menyelenggarakan sebuah konferensi dengan topik “Kepatuhan di Bisnis: Dari Pelatihan Karyawan sampai Rantai Pemasok”.

Keynotes & Diskusi Panel

Keynotes & Diskusi Panel

Direktur Alliance for Integrity, Noor Naqschbandi, memberikan kata sambutan kepada 80 peserta. Diikuti diskusi panel terkait bagaimana mengoptimalkan dan mendorong tindakan-tindakan pencegahan korupsi di dalam bisnis oleh Dr. Christa Dürr, Manajer Projek Rantai Pemasok Transparency International Jerman, Prof. Dr. Bartosz Makowicz dari Pusat Kepatuhan Viadrina, Europe University Viadrina, Meinhard Remberg, Kepala Perwakilan SMS group, Dr. Julia Sommer, Penasehat Hukum Senior Siemens AG, serta Oliver Wieck, Sekretaris Jendral ICC Jerman. Bertindak sebagai moderator panel adalah Dr. Christoph Klahold, Kepala Bagian Kepatuhan Thyssenkrupp AG.


Upaya Internal untuk Mencegah Korupsi - 6 Langkah Praktis


Kepatuhan amat penting dalam keunggulan daya saing perusahaan. Kami memberikan pendekatan generik yang terdiri dari 6 langkah bagi perusahaan untuk menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Kepatuhan.

Langkah 1
Langkah 2
Langkah 3
Langkah 4
Langkah 5
Langkah 6


Upaya Internal untuk Mencegah Korupsi - Pengantar
Mengapa kepatuhan penting, dan bagaimana penerapannya?

Simak pengantar yang disampaikan oleh:

Dr. Jürgen Janssen
Global Compact Network Jerman


Langkah 1: Tetapkan komitmen

Langkah pertama ialah menyadari kerugian yang ditimbulkan oleh korupsi, yang mengarah pada komitmen untuk tidak ambil bagian dalam sistem yang korup.

Langkah pertama ini disampaikan oleh:

Prof. Dr. Peter Eigen
Pendiri dan Ketua Dewan Penasihat
Transparency International


Langkah 2: Lakukan Kajian

Tiap perusahaan menghadapi risiko yang berbeda-beda. Oleh karenanya, melakukan kajian menjadi langkah penting dalam penyusunan program pencegahan korupsi yang efisien.

Langkah kedua ini disampaikan oleh:

Carolina Echevarría
Kamar Dagang dan Industri Jerman Argentina (AHK Argentina)


Langkah 3: Tetapkan Tujuan

Berdasarkan kajian yang sudah dilakukan di langkah ke-2, langkah logis berikutnya ialah menetapkan tujuan dalam program pencegahan korupsi.

Langkah ketiga ini disampaikan oleh:

Dr. Jan-Ulrich Lange
Kepala Pengawasan Kepatuhan Kelompok Usaha
Merck KgaA


Langkah 4: Implementasi

Implementasi lebih dari sekadar penyusunan kebijakan. Agar efektif, implementasi harus benar-benar masuk dalam proses kerja (business processes).

Langkah keempat ini disampaikan oleh:

Dr. Thomas Lösler
Kepala Petugas Kepatuhan Kelompok Usaha
Allianz SE


Langkah 5: Lakukan Pengukuran

Setelah 12 atau 18 bulan implementasi, ukurlah kemajuan yang diperoleh.

Langkah kelima ini disampaikan oleh:

Noor Naqschbandi
Alliance for Integrity


Langkah 6: Komunikasikan

Komunikasi penting untuk menjelaskan pada para pegawai tentang apa yang harus mereka lakukan dan alasannya.

Langkah keenam ini disampaikan oleh:

Dr. Heiko Willems
Kepala bagian Hukum, Persaingan, dan Kebijakan Konsumen
Federation of German Industries (BDI)


Apa yang dimaksud dengan Tindakan Bersama?

Inggris dengan terjemahan tambahan dalam Bahasa Portugis
Inggris dengan terjemahan tambahan dalam Bahasa Spanyol

Collective Action is a key element of the Alliance for Integrity´s strategy. Find out what that means by watching the video.


Collective Action ist ein Schlüsselelement im strategischen Vorgehen der Allianz für Integrität. Finden Sie heraus, was dies genau bedeutet, indem Sie sich das Video anschauen.


A ação coletiva é um elemento fundamental da estratégia da Alliance for Integrity. Saiba mais a respeito no vídeo ao lado.


La acción colectiva es un elemento clave en la estrategia de Alliance for Integrity. ¿Quieres saber por qué? ¡Mira el video y descúbrelo!


Program pelatihan Alliance for Integrity “De Empresas para Empresas” (Dari Usaha ke Usaha)

Spanish with English Subtitles

Cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang program pelatihan kepatuhan kami "De empresas para empresas" (Dari Usaha ke Usaha)..


Seruan dari India bagi Alliance for Integrity

Simak apa yang disampaikan oleh pendukung kami di India tentang Alliance for Integrity.


Pertemuan awal Alliance for Integrity di India 2013

Lihat Pertemuan Pembuka (Kick off Conference) Alliance for Integrity di New Delhi tahun 2013.

Pertemuan ini menandai dimulainya tahap rintisan Alliance for Integrity di India. Baca lebih lanjut di artikel tentang acara ini di laman India – Kegiatan Regional.



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