In order to provide information about corruption prevention to a wide public, Alliance for Integrity develops Webinars. The webinar on "Conflicts of Interest" seeks to provide tools to identify, prevent and respond to conflicts of interest in organizations and in the relationship with third parties.


Pablo Albertz
Associate lawyer of the Compliance & Anti-Corruption Group of Carey & Cía. Pablo has a degree in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of Chile, Master in Criminal Law of Business and Business from the University of Chile and a Diploma in Corporate Governance and Crime Prevention in Business from the University of Talca (Chile). His practice focuses mainly on regulatory compliance, anti-corruption, prevention of money laundering, corporate criminal risks and litigation in economic crimes. He previously worked as a trial lawyer in Rivadeneira, Colombara, Zegers and Cía. (Chile) and consultant in Veracitas Consultores (Chile). In addition, he is DEPE trainer of the Alliance for Integrity.
Ana Maria Muñoz B.
Legal and compliance manager at Nissan, she is a lawyer from the Catholic University of Chile, Master in Law (LL.M.) from Georgetown. She has commercial and corporate experience in multinational companies and law firms in Santiago and New York. With knowledge of complex industries: mass consumption, oil, automotive and transportation. Experience in implementing Ethics and Compliance programs. Active participation in forums and compliance networks in Chile and abroad. She is currently legal and compliance manager at Nissan, formerly Enap and Unilever. 


09:00 Colombia and Mexico
10:00 Chile and Paraguay
11:00 Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay 

How to Participate

Please register on the Alliance for Integrity's website. Soon we will give more information on how to access the Webinar platform.

The webinar will be held in Spanish language.



Tanggal mulai: 29.08.2019 10:00
Tanggal selesai: 29.08.2019 11:00


Alliance for Integrity


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