Responsible Business & Integrity Week Ghana

The upcoming Responsible Business & Integrity Week is a collaboration between the Alliance for Integrity and the German Global Compact Network and features events on the topics of  responsible business conduct and integrity. The Responsible Business & Integrity Week consists of a series of  events with the purpose of raising awareness and increasing capacities of participants in business integrity and social sustainability.  


3rd September, 2018 -Kick-Off “Responsible Business & Integrity Week” with Launch of TheIntegrityApp for Ghana

Further information and registration.

Time: 5:45pm- 8:00pm GMT/UTC

Venue: Best Western Premier Hotel

4th September, 2018 - Putting principles into practices: Securing business success through enhanced social sustainability.

Further information and registration.

Time: 9:30am - 5:00pm GMT/UTC

Venue: Alisa Hotel, North Ridge


5th September, 2018 –Compliance Training for Businesses.

Further information and registration.

Time: 8:30am - 5:30pm GMT/UTC

Venue: Alisa Hotel, North Ridge

Fee: GHS 180


6th September, 2018- Workshop on Integrity and Human Rights.

Further information and registration.

Time: 9:30am -2:00pm GMT/UTC

Venue: Alisa Hotel, North Ridge

Target group

The target group is event specific but mainly involves the private sector. Please, use the “Further information and registration” links of the respective events below to access information on the target group for each event.


If you have questions regarding this event, please contact
Raymond Ahiadorme, Network Manager Ghana at
or Philipp Bleckmann, German Global Compact Network at


Datum von: 03.09.2018 17:45
Datum bis: 06.09.2018 14:00


Alisa Hotel, 21 Dr. Isert Road, North Ridge


Alliance for Integrity & German Global Compact Network


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