Alliance for Integrity dialogue: Understanding and doing business with integrity

The questions of what doing business with integrity entails and how issues such as corruption-prevention and good governance can be achieved are often left untackled. As part of its awareness-creation activities, the Alliance for Integrity will sensitise business executives on how they can ensure compliance with integrity standards in their organisations and also influence their partners to follow suit. A panel of professionals in the fields of compliance, anti-corruption and business will address various compliance-related issues and highlight how businesses can leverage the advantages associated with having integrity measures engrained in their operations.


Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their personal experiences on the topic, whilst gaining knowledge and insight into how to develop their own compliance management systems.


Additionally, participants will go back with practical tools to support their efforts to put the lessons learnt into practice. 


Participation is free of charge. Please note that seats are limited.


In case of further questions please contact

Raymond Ahiadorme (
Network Manager Ghana


Datum von: 02.11.2017 17:15
Datum bis: 02.11.2017 19:00


Royal Nick Hotel, First Road, Community 6, Tema, Ghana


Alliance for Integrity


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