Closing event: Transversing Business Integrity with Human Rights - Reflections and Perspectives for a New Regional Agenda

To close the activities of the 6th Regional Integrity Week, we will hold the event: "Transversing Business Integrity with Human Rights: Reflections and Perspectives for a New Regional Agenda. This session will provide a space for regional exchange to address and deepen the transversing of business integrity with human rights.

The space will make it possible to explore the links between the anti-corruption agendas in the company and human rights, share good practices, visions and reflections on the matter, as well as to determine perspectives towards the future of the issue in the region, in order to consolidate the focus of human rights as part of business integrity. In this session, Colombia will pass the baton on to Ecuador, as the host country of the 7th Regional Integrity Week in 2022.


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Datum von: 28.10.2021 14:00
Datum bis: 28.10.2021 16:00
CET: UTC/GMT -05:00 - America/Bogota


Alliance for Integrity
Ecuador SinCero


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