Fünftes Treffen der Advisory Group in Ghana


Accra, Ghana

The Advisory Group in Ghana held its’s second meeting for the year 2017, which is the fifth meeting since its inauguration, to review past activities, re-align the strategy for Ghana and also discuss upcoming programmes for the year.

Raymond Ahiadorme. Network Manager for the Alliance for Integrity updated the Advisory Group members on activities undertaken in the past months including the Integrity Week in Ghana, various activities of the Awareness Creation Working Group and the Capacity Building Working Group. Furthermore, he provided updates on activities being undertaken in the network in other regions, such as the training programme in Argentina, the Integrity Debate series in Brazil, an integrity workshop for female entrepreneurs in Indonesia amongst others.

Members of the Advisory Group had the opportunity to make input on additional outreach measures the Alliance for Integrity could use to reach new stakeholders and make a bigger impact, for example the need to bring additional public sector institutions on board.

Edmund Foley, of the Law Faculty of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and Vice Chair of the Advisory Group thanked the members for their hard work and entreated them to come up with new thinking and initiatives that support the future development and sustenance of the Alliance for Integrity. He also commended the Alliance for Integrity for achieving the tasks earmarked for the first half of the year.



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