Webinar: Principles for a code of conduct

Alliance for Integrity carries out webinars with the aim to provide information on various topics of corruption prevention to a broad public. The second webinar deals with "Principles for a code of ethics". In this way, businesses will receive tools and guidelines to create their own code of conduct.

Some of the topics to be covered in this WEBINAR INCLUDES:

• What is a code of ethics?
• What must contain the code of ethics?
• What are some of the typical mistakes that companies make when designing their code of ethics?
• How to implement a code of ethics in business?


Maria Soledad Urri, Manager of Audit, Risks and Compliance at ATANOR

The webinar will be hold in Spanish.


Do you have questions on this webinar?
We are glad to help!

Carolina Echevarría


Tanggal mulai: 15.09.2016 11:00
Tanggal selesai: 15.09.2016 12:00


Alliance for Integrity 

Implementation Partner

AHK Argentina
Red del Pacto Global Argentina


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