First Brazilian DEPE trainers group meeting in 2017


São Paulo, Brazil

The group of DEPE trainers held the first face-to-face meeting in 2017, counting with the presence of trainers from several Brazilian cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Curitiba. The meeting focused on the development of training activities to prevent corruption in Brazil.
The group presented a new case study for discussion and analyzed how the approach will be carried out in the context of the different SMEs that participate in the trainings. The aim of the trainers is to establish a case database that will suit as examples during DEPE trainings, focusing in the prevention of corruption according to business segment. The intention is that trained SMEs may identify grey areas, that means identify daily situations that can represent a corrupt act and thus increase their knowledge regarding the implementation of compliance systems, considering each reality.

In addition to the case study, the group also focused on updating the DEPE material for Brazil, especially legislation and local references.
The meeting was attended by trainers representing the companies Siemens, Staples and Totvs. The group of DEPE trainers in Brazil meets monthly, alternating between virtual and face-to-face meetings to foment the discussion about the subject and serve as a basis for exchanging experiences among specialists.



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