High-Level Dialogue on Good Corporate Governance: A Prerequisite for Private Sector-Led Economic Development

Countries all over the world continue the quest for sustainable economic growth, creating opportunities such as education, decent jobs and infrastructure development for the populace. The bulk of the investment will not come from the public sector but from the private sector. According to the German-based Institute of Labour, the private sector accounts for 80% of total production in Africa.

A major challenge to the private sector’s investment capabilities is corporate governance breaches. On numerous occasions, business licenses had to be withdrawn or companies were blacklisted, also in Ghana. The repercussions of this are severe: fines have to be paid, jobs are lost and sometimes businesses have to close down entirely.

How can the private sector ensure integrity and prevent corporate governance breaches? How does the public sector create and maintain framework conditions to make the private sector thrive whilst doing business with integrity?

Who can take part?

The event aims to bring together Chief Executive Offices and other institutional heads from the private sector, public sector, civil society and international organisations to enable an exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices on good corporate governance. Participation is by invitation only. Please, send a request to afin-ghana@giz.de if you would like to be invited or confirm your participation using the ‘sign up’ button below, if you have already received an invitation.


If there are any questions, please contact Raymond Ahiadorme afin-ghana@giz.de


Fecha de: 28.11.2018 09:00
Fecha hasta: 28.11.2018 14:00


Alliance for Integrity and the Ministry for Business Development

supported by Private Enterprise Federation & Ghana Integrity Initiative


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