5th Viadrina Compliance Congress – Compliance Across the Globe

The Viadrina Compliance Centre together with Compliance Academy will host the 5th edition of the Viadrina Compliance Congress entitled “Compliance Across the Globe”. The Congress will take place at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. Strategic partners supporting the event are the B20 Germany, the Deutsches Institut für Compliance (DICO), the Viadrina Center Borders in Motion as well as the Alliance for Integrity.

On 4 July, Noor Naqschbandi, the Director of the Alliance for Integrity will hold one of the welcome remarks.

On 5 July, from 12:00 until 13:30, Noor Naqschbandi, the Director of the Alliance for Integrity will moderate the panel discussion on “Compliance in and for Africa – culture of integrity as a chance for sustainable and stable African entrepreneurship”

The following panelists will take part in the discussion:
Tom Brown | Kaizen Compliance Solutions | UK
Meinhard Remberg | SMS GmbH | Germany
Linda Ofori-Kwafo | Ghana Integrity Initiative – local chapter of Transparency International | Ghana
Dr. Stefan Liebing | German African Business Association | Germany

Further information on the congress can be found here. To register for the congress access here.


For questions regarding this event please contact:



Fecha de: 04.07.2017 10:00
Fecha hasta: 05.07.2017 13:45


Moot Court Room, Bucerius Law School, Jungiusstraße 6
20355 Hamburg


Viadrina Compliance Center
Compliance Academy


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