Advisory Group Brazil reviews 2018 at its 6th Meeting


São Paulo, Brazil

6th AG Brazil 2018
The Advisory Group Brazil of the Alliance for Integrity held its 6th meeting in São Paulo, at the Duratex headquarters. After welcoming the members, Amanda Rocha, Network Manager Brazil for the Alliance for Integrity, gave the floor to the chairperson of the Advisory Group, Adílson Lobato, Executive Manager of the Institutional Security Division at Banco do Brasil, who shared experiences of the first months of his tenure. Shortly after, vice chair Marina Nicolosi, Specialist Lawyer in Ethical and Legal Compliance at Duratex, presented to the group impressions and updates about the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Alliance for Integrity, held in Berlin this October.

Next, a general review of the year was made. Amongst the achievements of 2018 were: the Integrity Week Latin America, the growth of the initiative to Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso, the recognition of the DEPE – “De Empresas para Empresas” training through the Seal for Integrity Action, the success of the Webinar for State-Owned Enterprises (SOE), the launch of TheIntegrityApp for the public sector in Portuguese, the participation of the Alliance for Integrity in the Management Committee of the Agro+Integrity Seal promoted by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, and finally, the release of the Banco do Brazil’s animated series of videos based on the Alliance for Integrity’s guide for enterprises, Corruption Prevention from Brazil. Afterwards, a series of perspectives and expectations for 2019 were raised. The topics mainly addressed which actions and approaches the Advisory Group’s members believe to be of extreme importance for the initiative’s future, and how each institution can contribute to the Brazilian network’s development.
After these discussions, Juliana Sakai, Director of Operations at Transparency International Brazil, shared digital anti-corruption measures and tools already implemented by the organisation. Juliana highlighted the “Tá de Pé?”, app developed by Transparency International Brazil in the search for new ways to increase the participation of citizens in monitoring public construction sites and activities. On the same subject, the Advisory Group addressed issues of digital appropriation, dissemination of knowledge and digital engagement relating to the strategy planned for 2019. Finally, the structure of the Alliance for Integrity’s new support process for SMEs for 2019, named “Jornada Íntegra: um bom negócio para sua empresa” (Integrity Process: good business for your company) was presented. The support process seeks to promote and provide better resources and tools as well as to strengthen integrity programmes in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The presentation was followed by the thoughts and impressions of the Advisory Group.

At the meeting’s closure, the Terms of Reference relating to the Advisory Group were signed and formalised and an invitation made to all the members to attend to the pre-launch event for the “Jornada Íntegra”, to be held in São Paulo on December 12th.


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