Digital Event Series on Corporate Responsibility

On the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day on 09 December 2020, Alliance for Integrity, Transparency International Germany, the German Institute for Compliance (DICO) e.V. and the German Chapter of the UN Global Compact Network (DGCN) plan a joint series of events on the subject of corporate responsibility.

In these panels, current issues regarding preventing and fighting corruption will be discussed with interdisciplinary experts from business, politics and civil society.

There will be three webtalks: A presentation of a new guide for companies in the field of anticorruption and dialogues on the “Corporate Sanctions Law” and “Supply Chains & Human Rights”.

In the first panel, DGCN, DICO and Alliance for Integrity will present the second edition of the publication “Corruption Prevention - A Guide for Companies”, which is a practical guide for companies in the field of anti-corruption. The second topic will be the “Corporate Sanctions Law”, for which the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection has presented a draft this year to the Government. This is currently stranded in the parliamentary process due to massive resistance from the federal states and businesses. In addition, the third event will discuss “Supply Chains & Human Rights”: The details of a supply chain law have been discussed for months with the intent to ensure that German companies comply with their duty of care for human rights, anti-corruption and environmental standards abroad.

The digital event series is divided into three parts over two days, each with a different focus. The topics of the event series are subordinate to the main topic of corporate responsibility and will be discussed in German language:


The panel is relevant for all actors of the private sector, public sector, civil society, academia and international institutions. The objective is to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices. It  will be of further interest to CEOs, Chief Compliance Officers and Executives responsible for broader business integrity issues.


The registration is free of charge.


Sie haben Fragen?
Wir beantworten sie gerne!

Carolina Echevarria


Date from: 09.12.2020 10:00
Date to: 10.12.2020 17:30


Alliance for Integrity

DICO - Deutsches Institut für Compliance e.V. 
Global Compact Network Germany
Transparency International Germany


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