Due diligence in the supply chain: Human rights, environmental standards and anti-corruption?

For months there have been discussions around a human rights due diligence law. It is intended to ensure that German companies have to comply with their duty of care, especially for human rights, but also for environmental standards and the prevention of corruption in the value chain. Numerous voices from business, science and civil society are now in favour of the introduction of such a law. However, the question of how this law should look like in detail and how it can be implemented in practice is still controversial.

One of the main risks in global value chains is corruption, often associated with or as a driver of non-compliance with human rights and/or environmental standards by suppliers and business partners. Which synergies are there between due diligence processes in the areas of anticorruption, human rights and the environment? Does fighting corruption within supply chains automatically lead to more protected human rights and better environmental standards? Or are these areas fundamentally different and need to be tackled with different approaches?

On the international day of human rights, practical discussions will take place with representatives from companies, civil society and academia in order to develop ideas and solutions for the questions mentioned and beyond. The event will take place on Thursday, 10 December 2020, 16:00 - 17:30 (GMT+1) in German language.


  • Johanna Juds, Project Lead „Human Rights“, Hofer KG
  • Prof. Dr. Julia Schwarzkopf, Professor for Sustainability Management at HTW University of Applied Sciences Berlin
  • Christa Dürr, Supply Chain Expert at Transparency Germany


The panel will be relevant for all actors of the private sector, public sector, civil society, academia and international institutions. The objective is to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practices. It  will be of further interest to CEOs, Chief Compliance Officers and Executives responsible for broader business integrity issues.


The registration is free of charge.


The registration is carried out via Webex.


Do you have questions? 
We are glad to help!

Carolina Echevarria


Date from: 10.12.2020 16:00
Date to: 10.12.2020 17:30
CET: UTC/GMT +01:00 - Europe/Berlin


Alliance for Integrity

DICO - Deutsches Institut für Compliance e.V.
Global Compact Network Germany
Transparency International Germany



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