Presentation of the study "Corporate Transparency: how is the performance of multinationals from emerging markets?"


Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Alliance for Integrity in Brazil and Transparency International presented their study "Corporate Transparency: How is the Performance of Multinationals from Emerging Markets?" and discussed the report together with more than 40 company representatives.

The study evaluated more than 100 emerging market companies through three criteria: dissemination of anti-corruption programs, organisational transparency, and publication of reports by country. The aim of the event was to talk about the advances and challenges and to discuss how to improve corporate transparency in emerging

markets. Also the methodology of the study and possible adaptations for future editions were reviewed in discussion groups in order to receive criticism and contributions on the publication. Furthermore, strategies for the improvement of business practices were discussed which shall promote the fight against corruption.

Representatives from the following companies assisted the event: Odebrecht, Instituto Ethos, Whirlpool, Allianz, LATAM, Vale, Sabesp, PwC, GE, and Petrobras, among others.

©Photos: Transparency International



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