Business integrity trainers from India and Indonesia concretise their future collaboration


Indonesia and India, Online

Business integrity trainers from India and Indonesia concretise their future collaboration

After the successful kick-off session at the end of June, the trainers from India and Indonesia met for the second time to concretise the future collaboration between the regions discussed earlier. High on the agenda was the official launch of the digital business integrity trainings planned for September, as well as a virtual panel series on pertinent issues such as human rights, and the development of infographics focusing on the healthcare sector.

In preparation for the official roll-out of the business integrity trainings, the trainers were invited to the introduction session end of August. The event is of great importance for the successful launch of the virtual trainings, as it provides an overview of special features and possible stumbling blocks compared to traditional face-to-face scenarios. During the session, the trainers will receive further information on how the training programme will look like, have the opportunity to raise open questions and learn from the experience of other regions in order to get prepared in the best way possible. 

Following the update, the participants discussed the key points of their future cooperation. Part of it is a virtual panel series that will focus on business and human rights, labour and environment.

In addition, there will be an interregional exchange not only between trainers from Asia, but also from West Africa and Latin America. The planned activities are aimed particularly at compliance experts from multinational companies as well as HR and legal experts.

In addition, a further cooperation project is underway to develop infographics, which, due to the current situation, concentrates on the healthcare sector. The infographics are intended to explain how business integrity can be strengthened within the sector. Mr. Rajesh Chitre, Chief Compliance Officer of Merck India, outlined the importance of cooperation in the healthcare sector, especially in times of pandemic, when healthcare is more important than ever.

The next meeting will take place on 26 August 2020.

Author: Faiza Hasan



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