Alliance for Integrity Women Entrepreneurs and Professionals Working Group discussed initial ideas for Cooperation with Women Entrepreneurs in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico


Bandung, Indonesia

The Alliance for Integrity held its last meeting of the Women Entrepreneur and Professional Working Group in Bandung for the year 2017. The participants were welcomed by Barliana Amin and Faiza Hasan from the Alliance for Integrity’s office in Jakarta. The participants exchanged information on latest development and issues on compliance and integrity with particular concern to women entrepreneurs and continued to discuss the development of a practical compliance guide for female entrepreneurs.

This meeting also marked a special moment, where for the first time the Working Group members established communication with Alliance for Integrity colleagues in Latin America to discuss possible cooperation between women entrepreneurs from Indonesia and their peers in Latin America. Carolina Echevarria, the Alliance for Integrity’s Coordinator for Latin America joined the meeting via Skype, where she provided a brief on the W20 process in Argentina and information on-going cooperation with women entrepreneurs in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. The members also used the opportunity to discuss the idea of a potential cooperation between women entrepreneurs from Indonesia, especially Bandung, with their peers in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico in the field of compliance and integrity. As a result, one came up with a few ideas, e.g, knowledge exchange on regulatory best practices from Latin American countries which provides legal protection for women entrepreneurs standing up against corruption.

The participants from following organisations participated in the meeting: Association of Women of Cross Professions (Perhimpunan Perempuan Lintas Profesi Indonesia - PPLIPI), Indonesian Business Women Association Chapter West Java (Ikatan Wanita Pengusaha Indonesia - IWAPI Jabar), Association of Muslim Fashion Designers Chapter West Java (Ikatan Perancang Busana Muslim - IPBM Jabar), and the Association of Female Muslim Fashion Designers West Java Chapter (Ikatan Pengusaha Muslimah Indonesia - IPEMI Jabar).



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