Nigerian start-up businesses trained on anti-corruption


Lagos (Nigeria)

On 10 August, the Alliance for Integrity in collaboration with its partners successfully implemented an anti-corruption workshop for start-up businesses. It was the first of its kind undertaken by the Alliance for Integrity in Africa as it provided tailor-made content that addresses the specific compliance needs of the start-ups in Nigeria. A total of 25 representatives from varied sectors participated in the training course in Lagos and learned how to design and implement internal compliance measures.

“Our participants are now equipped with the practical tools to solve problems related to corruption and know how to increase the competitiveness of their start-up businesses. They gained comprehensive knowledge on how to develop and implement internal anti-corruption compliance procedures for business operations and actors within their supply chain”, explained Abdul-Rauf Yussif, Network Manager of Alliance for Integrity for Nigeria. “We are grateful that we could implement this workshop together with our partners, among them the AHK Nigeria, AIICO Insurance PLC, and the Nigerian-German Chamber of Commerce. And, of course, we are grateful for the support of the Working Group of the Alliance for Integrity in Nigeria”, he continued.

Participants found the workshop highly valuable in terms of content and format. "I left the training feeling empowered, equipped with the tools to drive integrity and sustainability within my organization. Alliance for Integrity has undoubtedly set a high bar for impactful, results-oriented training", states done of the participants afterwards.


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