First session of Alliance for Integrity's and Transparency International's joint Advisory Group


Brasilia, Brazil

In Brazil the cooperation between the Alliance for Integrity and Transparency International is highlighted by a joint Governance Structure.

The German Ambassador to Brazil, Dirk Brengelmann, and the Minister for Transparency, Supervision and Control, Fabiano Martins Silveira, opened the event which took place at the residence of the German Ambassador. In his welcome-speech Ambassador Brengelmann underlined the importance of trust between the different stakeholders in order to enhance integrity and the Minister promised the support of his Ministry for these “important initiatives”.

The newly established Advisory Group is composed of high-level participants from the following sectors and organizations:
  • Private sector: Allianz Seguros S.A., Banco do Brasil S.A., LATAM Airlines Group, Mercedes-Benz, Siemens Brazil
  • Public sector: Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE; Administrative Council of Economic Defense), Ministerio da Transparência, Fiscalização, e Controle (Ministry of Transparency, Supervision and Control)
  • Civil society: Global Compact Network Brazil, Instituto Ethos
Minister for Transparency, Supervision and Control, Fabiano Martins Silveira, speaking to the Advisory Group

The main task of the Advisory Group is to guide the activities of the Alliance for Integrity and Transparency International in Brazil. In the first meeting Reynaldo Goto, Chef-Compliance Officer of Siemens Brazil, has been elected as Chair of the Advisory Group. The Vice-Chair is held by André de Oliveira, President of the United Nations Global Compact Network Brazil. The Presidency represents the Brazilian Advisory Group in the International Steering Committee of the Alliance for Integrity.

The new Advisory Group has already established two working groups highlighting the focus of their work:

  • Business Integrity Country Agenda – headed by Transparency International
  • Strengthening of Integrity in Small and Medium Enterprises – headed by Alliance for Integrity

These working groups are open to other companies and organisations and will develop concrete products reflecting the multi-stakeholder set-up. The measures have one main goal: enabling companies to strengthen their anti-corruption measures and, by this, increasing integrity in the economic system as a whole.

Ambassador Brengelman and the new Advisory Group of the Alliance for Integrity and Transparency International


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