Newly elected Steering Committee gathered


Newly elected Steering Committee gathered

Berlin (Germany)

The 14th Steering Committee meeting took place on 23 June in Berlin and online. For the first time, members of the newly elected body came together for their regular assembly, almost half of them in person. Global elections had taken place in April, and 28 committed integrity specialists from the four regions Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, now form part of the Steering Committee, some of them having served as members before.

The group discussed the future strategic alignment of the Alliance for Integrity, monitoring and evaluation activities, the by-laws of the body, and how to make better use of technology within the Alliance for Integrity network. After three years of virtual meetings due to the pandemic, the participants who met in person enjoyed the deep dive into the future perspectives of the initiative.

As the global supervisory body of the Alliance for Integrity and as such a core element of the governance structure, the Steering Committee leads the strategic orientation and decision-making process with the objective of promoting responsible and transparent business practices globally. It is comprised of the private sector, the public sector, the civil society, as well as representatives of international organizations. The committee comes together twice a year.

Members of the Steering Committee are:



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