Dialogue on advantages and challenges of involving citizens in coordinated audits

The Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) has contributed to the recognition of citizen participation in the audit process and has reflected this in strategic plans and reports of some Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the region. The current debate focuses on how progress has been made in promoting citizen participation and on the scope and depth of citizen involvement in the audit process.

German cooperation has promoted the involvement of civil society in various coordinated audits developed in OLACEFS. However, some SAIs still do not carry out this practice, so it is important to promote the creation of spaces to share the advantages and challenges encountered by SAIs in such dialogues. 

In consideration of this opportunity, the regional OLACEFS Anti-Corruption project, together with the global project Alliance for Integrity, is promoting a regional event regarding the dialogue process developed between SAIs and the different Civil Society Organizations involved in the OLACEFS Coordinated Audits.


The event will take place on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 09h00 (GMT-5) Caribbean / 10h00 (GMT-4) Chile / 11h00 (GMT-3) Argentina and Brazil.

The duration will be 90 minutes.

Directed to

Staff on OLACEFS Supreme Audit Institutions, members of Civil Society Organizations and other stakeholders.


Virtual, with transmission in Spanish via Microsoft Teams.

Invited Organizations

To be confirmed


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Date from: 23.05.2023 11:00
Date to: 23.05.2023 12:30
CET: UTC/GMT -03:00 - America/Argentina/Buenos Aires


Proyecto Regional Anticorrupción OLACEFS - GIZ

Con apoyo de

Alliance for Integrity


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