Five trainings in five countries in a month promote the Alliance for Integrity in Latin America


Latin America

The Alliance for Integrity successfully held five trainings in five different Latin American countries between 15th and 25th August. SMEs from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay profited from the regional Corruption Prevention Programme ´De Empresas para Empresas´ (DEPE).

The trainings marathon started in São Paulo on August 15th, where the Alliance for Integrity hosted its second DEPE in 2016. This was followed by the trainings held in the Argentinean localities of Bahía Blanca (August 19th), and Córdoba (August 25th), where over 20 companies had the opportunity to exchange ideas on internal, external and collective measures to prevent corruption.

The German-Chilean Chamber of Commerce (Camchal) in Santiago de Chile hosted a DEPE on August 23th. Representatives from 21 companies learned about corruption prevention mechanisms and compliance in the private sector. On the same day, a DEPE for nine companies was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, featuring the topic of “Doing business ethically”. The following DEPE took place in Bogotá, Colombia, on August 25th, with the participation of 17 representatives from local SMEs. The event was co-organised by the Global Compact Network Colombia.

The trained representatives gain access to a Support Desk to clarify questions on the implementation of their own Compliance Programmes within their companies.

Since launching its pilot phase in Latin America in 2014, the Alliance for Integrity is in an ongoing expansion process covering several countries in the region. With over 30 DEPE trainings, and 15 Train-the-Trainer workshops, held across Latin America, the twofold approach stands out for leading a strategy towards counteracting corruption in the economic system.

Over 460 companies and 160 compliance representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay have successfully completed the trainings. A regional pool of over 30 trainers has been skilled for conducting region-wide trainings and contributing to the exchange of best practices on compliance.
Find out more about the upcoming activities and trainings of the Alliance for Integrity in Latin America here.



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