Closing event: Alliances as a tool for a sustainable economic recovery

2020 was a year of great challenges for business, both from a health and an economic point of view. As society, we have to adapt quickly to the changes and the impact that the crisis has generated in all sectors. Today we see that to get out of the crisis, and to be able to work on the economic reactivation, it is necessary to join our peers and seek joint solutions for what is to come. These alliances will allow companies and organisations to prepare for the future and, by working together, manage to emerge from these times of uncertainty stronger, without losing sight of integrity and transparency. Alliances are a fundamental tool to convert companies, especially SMEs, into more resilient and sustainable institutions.

For this session we will have representatives of organisations from the private sector and civil society, who will share good practices, challenges and experiences in creating successful alliances in times of crisis.

This panel will seek to answer the following questions:

  • What kind of alliances emerged on integrity and anti-corruption in the context of the pandemic in Paraguay and the region?
  • What are the challenges that organisations are facing when creating alliances with other actors?
  • How can we use alliances to generate solutions in terms of integrity and transparency that are sustainable over time?


  • Elizabeth Portillo - Founding Partner and President of the Paraguayan Compliance Association (APAC)
  • Ligia C. González Lozano - President of the Business Ethics and Integrity Commission of the Business Coordinating Council of Mexico (CCE)
  • Ana Aranha - Anticorruption Advisor of the Global Compact Brazil


Jorge García Maciel - Partner & Public Relations Manager at AHK Paraguay


The closing event of the Fifth Regional Integrity Week will last 90 minutes and will take place on Friday, 27 November 2020, at the following times:

  • 10:30 - 12:00 hrs | Mexico
  • 11:30 - 13:00 hrs | Colombia, Ecuador and Peru
  • 13:30 - 15:00 hrs | Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay


Participation in this event is free of charge.


Registration is carried out through Webex.


Do you have questions?
We are glad to help!


Date from: 27.11.2020 13:30
Date to: 27.11.2020 15:00
CET: UTC/GMT -03:00 - America/Asuncion




Alliance for Integrity


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