Preparación para la Semana de Integridad en Indonesia - Alliance for Integrity realiza reuniones preparatorias


Yakarta, Indonesia

In the final phase of preparation for the Integrity Week Indonesia, the Alliance for Integrity held two preparatory meetings with its supporters and partners.

On 1 August, 2017 Dari Usaha ke Usaha (DUKU ) trainers held a meeting at the GIZ Country Office Indonesia. This meeting was intended as a refresher session for their upcoming engagement in the compliance training on 8 August, 2017 which marks one of three events of the Integrity Week Indonesia. Barliana Amin, Network Manager Indonesia at the Alliance for Integrity opened the meeting and thanked the trainers for their availability to contribute during the upcoming Integrity Week.

During the meeting, the current modules of the compliance training were reviewed and adjusted to fit the upcoming training, furthermore, it was decided on each of the trainer’s responsibilities. Trainers who had been involved in past trainings also shared their experience with their peers.

Además, el 2 de agosto, miembros del Consejo Consultivo se reunieron para supervisar la preparación de la Semana de Integridad. Jeffrey Cheung, presidente del Consejo Consultivo de la Alliance for Integrity en Indonesia, dio una cálida bienvenida a los miembros del grupo, enfatizó la importancia de la Semana de Integridad y pidió su participación y apoyo activo para asegurar una conducta exitosa en la Semana de Integridad en Indonesia. Posteriormente, Barliana Amin proporcionó a los miembros actualizaciones sobre el estado de preparación del evento y los marcos restantes.



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