Mexican Ministry and GIZ sign memorandum on cooperation in the area of corruption prevention in the private sector


Mexico City, Mexico

On 8 June 2017 the Mexican Ministry for Public Administration (Secretaria de la Función Pública - SFP) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU). The common goal is to further cooperate in enhancing integrity in the private sector. In her speech, the Minister for Public Administration, Ms Gómez González, emphasised on the importance of collective action and the cooperation with the private sector. The common commitment aims to increase integrity in the public and the private sector in Mexico. Exchange forums on a regional and a global level are planned. In addition, there will be support for the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption System on a local level through awareness raising measures and training. The Alliance for Integrity - with its local network in Mexico - will implement the MoU on the part of GIZ.

More information on this cooperation can be found in this Spanish article published by the Mexican Government.


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