Compliance Kick-Off Event of the AHK Rio de Janeiro


On July 1, 2015 Alliance for Integrity Project Coordinator, Noor Naqschbandi delivered a key-note speech during an international symposium on concept and implementation of compliance practices in companies, organized by Câmara Brasil-Alemanha Rio de Janeiro.

“But why are companies investing in compliance ? Even though avoidance of liability is the main reason there is a positive development: integrity measures are seen as an investment into the future and compliance as a competitive advantage.”

The purpose of the event was to present to the public some initiatives that could help managing the corruption risks within an organization, using German experience as an example.

The event was part of broader AHK initiative that seeks to promote discussion on corruption related issues within companies in Brazil, to better handle it. The Alliance for Integrity’s key note speech was just another example for the close cooperation between the Alliance for Integrity/GIZ and the AHK Mercosur. The partners also cooperate regarding the compliance training program “De empresas para empresas” which aims to curb corruption in private sector. It envisages transmitting know-how, case studies and theoretical basis by large companies’ employees to entrepreneurs and professionals from SMEs.



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