Alliance for Integrity elects new Chair person and vice chair for the Brazilian Advisory Group


São Paulo, Brazil

The Alliance for Integrity and Transparency International Brazil held the first meeting of the Advisory Group in 2018. The meeting was marked by the definition of a new structure, election of the new chair and vice chair persons as well as the admission of new members to the Group. The Advisory Group of the Alliance for Integrity and Transparency International Brazil was established in 2016 and after two years of sharing a joint governance structure, the The Alliance for Integrity and Transparency International Brazil, opted to split the Advisory Group into two separate ones in the future. Therefore, Transparency International Brazil will become a regular member of the Advisory Group of the Alliance for Integrity in Brazil. The decision came after Transparency International formally started a new chapter in Brazil and now needs to have its own council.

During the meeting Guilherme Donegá, Representative of the Transparency International Brazil presented the results of the Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) and the campaign “Unidos Contra Corrupção”. Amanda Rocha, Network Manager Brazil of the Alliance for Integrity, gave a brief about the Alliance for Integrity’s activities conducted throughout the first half of the year and the upcoming events that will take place in Blumenau, Brazil, next month.

Amanda also presented TheIntegrityApp and spoke about the new version of the app for the public sector, that was launched in June in cooperation with the Brazilian Ministry of Transparency, Supervision and Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) . The meeting was also used to update the Terms of Reference for the Advisory Group , to discuss responsibilities of members and to welcome SAP, Duratex and Instituto Mackenzie, as new Advisory Group members. Another topic on the meeting’s agenda was the election of the chair and vicechair person of the Advisory Group of the Alliance for Integrity in Brazil. After having served two years as the Chairman of the Advisory Group Brazil, Reynaldo Goto, until then Compliance Officer of Siemens Brazil, finished his term in July 2018. By direct election Adilson Lobato, Executive Manager of the Institutional Security Division at Banco do Brasil and Marina Nicolosi, Attorney Specialist in Legal and Ethical Compliance at Duratex, were elected as the new chair and vice chair person of the Advisory Group Brazil. They will represent Brazil in the Steering Committee of the initiative in the upcoming year.



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