Advisory Group Mexico meets to discuss communication strategies to promote integrity in small and medium-sized enterprises


Mexico City, Mexico

On 8 October, the Alliance for Integrity’s Advisory Group Mexico held its 4th meeting at Vesta Corporation in Mexico City.
Lorenzo Berho, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors from Vesta Corporation stated in the welcome remarks that “it is important to empower small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Now, they are more conscious of the importance of integrity. It helps them to become more professional organisations and to increase their ability to compete on the market”. Therefore, it is important to communicate the benefits of business integrity and the Alliance for Integrity is committed to have a leading role on this.

The members of the Advisory Group are aware that innovation and attractiveness in communication strategies are fundamental to create a greater impact. This way, a culture of integrity can spread not only in the private sector but also in society as a whole. Thus, the Advisory Group received in this meeting two guests who shared their knowledge and suggestions related to the communication of anti-corruption and integrity culture in Mexico: the Communications Council (Consejo de la Comunicación) and the enterprise Expok.

Salvador Villalobos, President of the Communications Council, introduced their campaign “Verdaderos Mexicanos” (True Mexicans) which aims at delivering the message of integrity to the Mexican society. Through audio-visual material and an anti-corruption narrative, the institution seeks to foster collective ideas to enhance the importance of being honest and sharing positive values. The campaign points out the significance of having a Code of Ethics not only in the organisational life of a person but also in the private spheres as family, friends or schools.

This way, a positive and long-term impact on the public and social interaction can be achieved and a culture of integrity can grow sustainably.

The Advisory Group welcomed this initiative and agreed on setting the tone from the top by sharing this campaign and if the initiative focuses on the private sector in the future, committed to cooperate with the Communications Council.

Edgar López, President of Expok, shared his perspective on integrity and corporate social responsibility. Expok has worked with many companies in Mexico and Latin America to foster integrity in businesses and pointed out some requirements when communicating it. Firstly, it is important to be realistic and sympathetic to the experiences and practices related to anti-corruption: it is necessary to accept them (positive or negative) and know that it is always possible and necessary to improve. If the message is not easy to understand and delivered in a sphere of confidence, then the culture of integrity is considered as an unreachable and unhuman goal.

The Advisory Group appreciated Edgar Lopez’ remarks and will consider his recommendations. Based on the discussion of the session, the Advisory Group will generate a working plan on the communication of integrity. The starting point will be the launch of a video about: "Why is it beneficial for SMEs to have an integrity programme?"

Author: Brenda Mireles Juárez



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