
Jakarta, Indonesia

The Alliance for Integrity held training of Dari Usaha Ke Usaha (DUKU) (From companies to companies) that was adapted from the successful training programme in Latin America, De Empresas Para Empresas (DEPE). The exclusive DUKU training featured Florian Lair, Coordinator South Asia at the Alliance for Integrity’s Secretariat in Germany. The trainings took place at GIZ Country Office in Jakarta, Indonesia for two consecutive days and was attended by representatives of SMEs.

The training consists of a “Train-the-Trainer” for compliance officers of larger companies on the first day and “DUKU Training on Corruption Prevention” for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on the following day. On 1 February 2017, the representatives of large national and multinational companies with established compliance systems became trainers. They were gathered and briefed about the training material, which assisted them to train the SMEs about compliance and anti-corruption systems by Florian Lair.

On 2 February 2017, four SMEs participate in the training focusing in developing and implementing effective corruption prevention systems. Most of the audience have limited knowledge and experience in how to counter corruption offences. In this session, companies with well-established compliance system shared their knowledge with SMEs using the DUKU training materials, various practical cases critical simulations, and personal experiences.

The majority of participants acknowledged the importance of having compliance system based on international standards. Through this training, both of the large companies and SMEs gain useful insights and practical tools to foster compliance and integrity within their companies. Most participants committed themselves to implement the knowledge they have gained through training in order to contribute in creating clean business environment and facilitate fair economic opportunity for all.



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