The Role of Healthcare Industry in the Pandemic Era: Fighting counterfeit medicines and PPE

Pemalsuan obat merupakan aktivitas kriminal yang perdagangannya telah terjadi di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Adanya pandemi Covid-19 telah meningkatkan bahaya obat-obatan palsu karena permintaan obat-obatan, alat tes Covid-19, dan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) semakin meningkat. APD palsu pada saat pandemi tentu sangat merugikan karena dapat menjadikan masyarakat semakin rentan terhadap virus.

Obat dan APD palsu tidak hanya berdampak negatif untuk kesehatan dan keselamatan masyarakat tetapi juga bagi pemerintah dan sektor bisnis, karena pemerintah dapat kehilangan pendapatan pajak dan sektor bisnis dapat kehilangan laba dan reputasi. Oleh sebab itu, melawan obat-obatan palsu menjadi tantangan bagi sektor pemerintah, kesehatan, penegakan hukum serta masyarakat sipil.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, Alliance for Integrity mengadakan diskusi panel online dengan tema “Integritas di sektor Kesehatan: Melawan Obat-Obatan Palsu dan APD” dalam rangka menggiatkan aksi kolektif antara sektor pemerintah, bisnis, swasta dan masyarakat sipil untuk mengembangkan integritas di sektor kesehatan dan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dalam melawan obat-obatan palsu di masa pandemi.

Counterfeit medicines and PPE have a huge negative impact on the health and safety of society. In addition, the public and private sectors are significantly affected as well, as the state risks to lose tax revenues and the economy profits and reputation. The fight against counterfeit medicines has therefore become a cross-sectoral challenge requiring the joint commitment of government, companies operating in the healthcare sector, law enforcement agencies and civil society.

Counterfeit medicines are a widespread criminal activity, traded all over the world, including Indonesia. The pandemic has increased the risk of counterfeit medicines due to the growing demand for medicines, Covid-19 test kits and personal protective equipment (PPE). The use of counterfeit PPE during the pandemic is particularly harmful as it makes people more vulnerable to the virus.

The Alliance for Integrity invites you to a virtual panel discussion on “Integrity in the Healthcare Sector: Fighting Counterfeit Medicines and PPE" to promote Collective Action between the public and private sectors, academia and civil society. The event is part of a series of activities aimed at promoting integrity in the health sector and raising awareness of a commitment to fight counterfeit medicines during the pandemic.

PEMBUKA / Welcome remarks

  • Mrs. Alfikalia, Universitas Paramadina | Vice Chair of the Advisory Group Indonesia

PEMBICARA / Speakers

  • Dr Randy Teguh, Secretary General | GAKESLAB
  • Mr. Natalya Kurniawati, Researcher | Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia
  • Mr. Ir. Sodikin Sadek, M.Kes, Director of Medical Devices Supervision & Household Supplies | Ministry of Health
  • Dr. Widyaretna Buenastuti, SH. MM, | Masyarakat Indonesia Anti Pemalsuan
  • Dr. Ir. Penny K Lukito MCP, Head of BPOM (tbc)


  • Mr Fritz E. Simandjuntak, VP Communications, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN)

TANGGAL / Agenda

  • Kamis, 26 November 2020, 14.00 – 15.30 WIB (GMT+7)
  • Thursday, 26 November 2020, 14.00 – 15.30 (GMT+7)


Diskusi online ini terbuka untuk publik, organisasi masyarakat sipil, perusahaan swasta dan lembaga pemerintahan.

The dialogue will be of interest to the broad public, companies of all sizes, civil society, development agencies, and organisations engaged in the healthcare sector and integrity issues.

BAHASA / Language

Diskusi panel ini akan diadakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

The panel discussion will be carried out in Bahasa Indonesia.

BIAYA / Cost

Pendaftaran dan partisipasi dalam acara Integrity Talk ini tidak dipungut biaya.

Registration and participation are free of charge.


Pendaftaran dilakukan melalui Webex.

Registration is carried out through Webex.


Anda memiliki pertanyaan?

Kami akan dengan senang hati membantu!


Date from: 26.11.2020 14:00
Date to: 26.11.2020 15:30
CET: UTC/GMT +07:00 - Asia/Jakarta


Alliance for Integrity
Indonesia Business Links
Indonesia Global Compact Network
Transparency International Indonesia


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