Integrity Coffee for Female Entrepreneurs

While entrepreneurship is often accompanied by obstacles related to corruption, these have a differentiated impact on women.  Therefore, the Alliance for Integrity would like to pay special attention on gender-related challenges in the field business integrity and jointly develop solutions and tools to tackle corruption for business women.


The Alliance for Integrity's Integrity Coffee aims at providing female entrepreneurs with a space for the exchange of good practices for business integrity developed in their workplace. Participants will discuss corruption-related challenges they face in their work routine and how to overcome them. In this way, female entrepreneurs learn from the experiences of others and implement similar or adapted integrity measures.


Participants will be encouraged to discuss the following topics:
  • Which corruption-related challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur? 
  • What integrity measures or good practices have you implemented in your company to combat corruption?
  • How can these measures and good practices be replicated and escalated?
  • What else could be done to provide female entrepreneurs with more tools to prevent corruption?

TARGET group

Women entrepreneurs (e.g. Director, CEO, owner or member of the management of a company).


Free of charge.


Via button below. Deadline: 20 October 2019


Do you have any questions? We are glad to help!


Datum von: 23.10.2019 09:00
Datum bis: 23.10.2019 11:00


Calle Querétaro 33, Roma Norte
06700 Mexico City


Alliance for Integrity


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