Conference | Collective Action: Evolution to Revolution

The International Center for Collective Action (ICCA) at the Basel Institute on Governance is organising its 3rd Collective Action Conference to discuss the role of collective action in the fight against corruption, under the heading \'Evolution to Revolution\'. The two-day conference will feature speakers from academia, international organisations, civil society and the private sector.

The event will approach collective action from a range of perspectives, including engagement between the private sector and law enforcement; ways to ensure that Collective Action remains sustainable; the role of technological and digital advances such as e-governance and blockchain; and converging risk management addressing corruption and human rights in furtherance of the SDGs. In this way, it will build on the two previous Collective Action Conferences, which considered forms of collective action and its success stories, in order to look ahead to the future of collective action in terms of both evolution and revolution.

For further information and registration go to


Basel Institute on Governance:


Datum von: 14.11.2018 09:00
Datum bis: 15.11.2018 18:00


Volkshaus Basel, Rebgasse 12-14
4058 Basel


Basel Institute on Governance


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