Integritätsdebate: Risikomanagement und Compliance

Corruption is a major obstacle to economic-social development and also for a sustainable business environment. In the last years, compliance has become an increasingly relevant issue in the business world. Gradually companies have been establishing measures and controls to ensure compliance and avoid violation of regulations. Effective implementation measures, however, are easier in theory than in practice.

In order to promote integrity among companies, business partners and other relevant players in the economic system, the Alliance for Integrity is promoting Integrity Debates in different regions of Brazil throughout 2018. The Integrity Debates aim to discuss the features of compliance management in the private and public sector and identify how both areas can work together and learn from each other. 

In this Integrity Debate, compliance specialists will discuss best practices related to risk management, implementation of compliance measures and programmes. The compliance programme exists to prevent and minimise the potential impacts that corruption has on business. The implementation of the integrity programme is not a ready and perfect model to follow. To be good and effective, each company and must carry out follow-ups and an analysis to verify risks and challenges it faces according to its peculiarities. Experts will discuss these topics and bring valuable information to the public.


    • Márcia Muniz – Cisco

      Fernanda Nan – Sowitec 

      Jorge Leandro Lobe - Observatório Social de Blumenau 

      Márcio Monteiro Gea –Fundação Dom Cabral

      Moderador: Adélcio Salvalágio - Pabst & Hadlich Advogados Associados


There is no participation fee for this event but due to the high level of interest and space limitations, participation in the debate is limited and prior registration by the participant is required.


Bei Fragen zur Veranstaltung wenden Sie sich bitte an: 

Amanda Rocha


Datum von: 18.09.2018 17:30
Datum bis: 18.09.2018 20:00


Rua Iguaçu, 151 – Itoupava Seca
89030-030 Blumenau


Alliance for Integrity


Fundação Fritz Müller


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