Kick-Off ”Responsible Business & Integrity Week” with Launch of TheIntegrityApp for Ghana

The Alliance for Integrity will together with the German Global Compact Network host a Responsible Business & Integrity Week in Ghana. The kick-off event will include the launch of TheIntegrityApp in Ghana.

TheIntegrityApp is a mobile application and online platform originally designed by the Alliance for Integrity to support companies to prevent corruption in their operations and supply chain. The launch of TheIntegrityApp will give Ghanaians companies the opportunity to benefit from the features on TheIntegrityApp including self-assessments of compliance management in companies, various tools for improving compliance measures within the business organisations as well as ensuring Integrity within companies supply chains.


If you have questions regarding this event, please contact
Raymond Ahiadorme, Network Manager Ghana at
or Philipp Bleckmann, German Global Compact Network at 


Datum von: 03.09.2018 17:45
Datum bis: 03.09.2018 20:00


Best Western Premier Hotel, 17 White Avenue, Airport Residential Area


Alliance for Integrity in cooperation with Global Compact Network Germany


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