Corruption Prevention Training “De Empresas Para Empresas“ for State-Owned Companies

The training programme of the Alliance for Integrity seeks to assist state-owned enterprises in the developing and implementing effective corruption prevention systems. Major companies from the private sector as well as state companies with established compliance systems become trainers and support state-owned companies with little experience in countering corruption by transferring their knowledge and experiences. Those state-owned companies gain practical tools to promote integrity and to increase their competitiveness.

The combination of international good practice and transfer of knowledge and experience in implementing corruption prevention activities makes the training programme valuable for state-owned companies.


The training programme addresses the following points:

  • Definitions. What is corruption and what types of corruption exist?
  • Relevance for the own company. How is my company affected by corruption? Corruption prevention based on practical examples.
  • Risk factors. Presentation of typical risks and possible measures to reduce them.
  • Potential solutions for critical situation and prevention measures. How do I behave in critical situations? What are essential components of an ethics and compliance programme? What needs to be considered when choosing business partners? Which advantages can collective action bring?


Many questions arise only when implementing corruption prevention measures into practice. This is why the Alliance for Integrity has developed a support structure. After the one-day training programme, participants gain access to an online support desk that provides expert answers to practical questions on the implementation of corruption prevention measures within 72 hours.



The main target group of the one-day training sessions are representatives from public and semi-public companies with little or no experience in implementing an effective corruption prevention system.

Please use the form to register bellow. After a successful assessment, a confirmation e-mail will be sent out.


Mariano Gojman, Siemens S.A.
Ricardo Jungmann Davies, UC-LLM


There is no registration fee to participate in this training programme.



Datum von: 06.09.2019 19:30
Datum bis: 06.09.2019 23:00


Contraloría General de Chile. Teatinos, 78
Santiago de Chile


Alliance for Integrity

Apoyado por
Contraloría General de la República de Chile (CGR)


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