DEPE Webinar Series in Portuguese - Due Diligence Anti-corruption

The Alliance for Integrity in partnership with the Global Compact Network Brazil invites everyone to sign up for the the sixth and last session of this DEPE Webinar Series. The theme of this edition will be ‘Due Diligence Anticorruption’. The sixth session will focus on the company's relationship with third parties at the time of hiring. This will address the legal issues, investigations and practical tools for a confident choice of partners, suppliers and service providers. 
The target audiences for this activity are small and medium-sized enterprises. The session will last one hour and there will be time for questions and answers.


Claudia Valente, Legal Manager and Compliance in Grupo Elfa
Morgana Casagrande, Compliance Consultant in Mota, Ferraz, Pinto, Almeida & Associados

who can participate?

The main target group of the DEPE Webinar are representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with little or no experience in implementing effective systems of corruption prevention.



Please note that this Webinar will be held in Portuguese.

After having confirmed your registration we will send a link with access to the Webinar.

Time zone of Brasilia.


In case of doubts or questions, please contact 

Amanda Rocha


Datum von: 08.02.2018 11:00
Datum bis: 08.02.2018 12:00




Alliance for Integrity 

Partner: Global Compact Network Brazil


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