Training programme "de empresas para empresas"

The Alliance for Integrity’s capacity-building programme in the Latin Americas “De empresas para empresas” (DEPE) seeks to promote clean business practices and fair competition as a mean to a stable, secure and responsible business investment climate in Latin America.
Bearing this in mind, DEPE aims to assist companies to develop and implement effective corruption prevention mechanisms. Major companies with prevention systems support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with little experience in countering corruption by transferring their knowledge and experience. Thereby companies gain practical tools to solve problems related to corruption and to increase their competitiveness. The initiative is characterized by this practical approach and its orientation towards small and medium-sized companies with little experience in countering corruption. The training programme DEPE in Latin America is locally implemented by several local partners.


Ms. Carolina Echevarría


“De empresas para empresas” consists of three phases:

Train the trainers

Phase 1: Compliance Officer with experience in implementing effective corruption prevention systems are trained to become DEPE trainers.

Corruption Prevention Training for SMEs

Phase 2: These trainers instruct small and medium-sized enterprises with little or no experience in countering corruption on how to develop corruption prevention systems.

Support Desk

Phase 3: The online Support Desk serves as a platform to assist trained companies in obtaining implementation-oriented information and making consults.


The compliance officers trained in the first phase typically work at national or international companies which have experience in implementing compliance programmes. Due to their experience, practical knowledge and the fact that they understand the local business culture, these compliance experts are ideal for providing the training and sharing their experience with SMEs with little or no experience in corruption prevention. This phase of the programme is called Train-the-Trainers and takes one day. It aims at familiarizing participants with the training material, the different practical cases and the new communication forms.

The corruption prevention training for SMEs is the centrepiece of the programme. In this second phase, SMEs with little or no experience in countering corruption are trained. The capacity-building is based on the standard corruption prevention training developed by the Global Compact Network Germany, which then is tailored to the specific context of each country of implementation. After this workshop, particularly the six practical steps, SMEs gain a better understanding of the various forms and consequences of corruption and the competitive advantages that comes with implementing a compliance programme within a company.

Finally, after attending the corruption prevention training, SMEs gain access to the online Support Desk. This online platform complements the capacity-building programme as it provides additional resources, publications, practical cases and frequently asked questions answered by compliance experts. Additionally, SMEs have the opportunity to ask questions regarding the development and implementation of corruption prevention programmes within their organisation through the Support Desk. These inquiries are answered within 72 hours.



With our Train the Trainer programme we could already qualify a considerable number of trainers.

Local Partners

We cooperate closely with our local partners in implementing the training programme.



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