Capacity Building Working Group gears up for 2017 compliance workshops in Ghana


Accra, Ghana

The Alliance for Integrity Capacity Building Working Group in Ghana has held its first meeting for 2017 in Accra. The meeting offered the Working Group the opportunity to discuss capacity building plans for the year and also adapt the training modules ahead of this year’s compliance and business integrity workshops.
Members of the Working Group used the platform to select specific training programmes they would like to facilitate in the course of the year. The Alliance for Integrity will hold its Compliance Training for Businesses this year in Accra, Tema, Tarkwa and Sunyani to offer businesses the opportunity to gain knowledge on how to develop and implement compliance management systems and prevent corruption in their establishments.

Raymond Ahiadorme, Network Manager Ghana at the Alliance for Integrity, thanked the Working Group members for their continued support and entreated them to spread the word about the activities of the Alliance for Integrity.
The Working Group members expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to continue giving their support for a worthy cause.



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